
Are you confident in accurately reporting cryptocurrency earnings on your tax returns?

Connect your Crypto.com Exchange account to CoinTracker

CoinTracker integrates directly with Crypto.com Exchange to make tracking your balances, transactions and crypto taxes easy.

Importing your Crypto.com Exchange transactions to CoinTracker

NOTE: These instructions apply to the Crypto.com exchange, please see instructions for the Crypto.com app available to US users here.

  1. Within the Crypto.com Exchange web app, click your Profile (upper right corner)
  2. Select Settings, and then select API Keys
  3. Select Create a new API key, enter a label such as "CoinTracker," and enter your 2FA code
  4. Copy the API Key and Secret Key and paste into CoinTracker
  5. Ensure the API Restrictions are set to Can Read and IP access restrictions are set to Unrestricted
Note: Automatically pulling your withdrawals and deposits is not yet supported. Instead, please add withdrawals and deposits manually or via CSV upload.

    Note: Make sure to select the "Transaction" report type when exporting, as we do not accept other types of reports such as trade reports, deposit and withdrawal reports, and order reports.

  1. On the Crypto.com exchange web app, click on Wallet on the left hand side and choose the Transactions tab for your reports
  2. Choose your desired time range in From and To
  3. Set Transaction Type to All
  4. Set Instrument to All
  5. Click Export and receive the zip file
  6. Unzip the file and upload the Tranasction CSV file only


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