Importing your Exchange transactions to CoinTracker
NOTE: These instructions apply to the exchange, please see instructions for the app available to US users here.
- Within the Exchange web app, click your Profile (upper right corner)
- Select Settings, and then select API Keys
- Select Create a new API key, enter a label such as "CoinTracker," and enter your 2FA code
- Copy the API Key and Secret Key and paste into CoinTracker
- Ensure the API Restrictions are set to Can Read and IP access restrictions are set to Unrestricted
Note: Automatically pulling your withdrawals and deposits is not yet supported. Instead, please
add withdrawals and deposits manually or via CSV upload.
- On the exchange web app, click on Wallet on the left hand side and choose the Transactions tab for your reports
- Choose your desired time range in From and To
- Set Transaction Type to All
- Set Instrument to All
- Click Export and receive the zip file
- Unzip the file and upload the Tranasction CSV file only
Note: Make sure to select the "Transaction" report type when exporting, as we do not accept other types of reports such as trade reports, deposit and withdrawal reports, and order reports.